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The frequency projecting out of your speakers is BlackFootJoe’s positive perspective of consciousness. The conscious lyrics radiate an aura of positivity, activism, and bring awareness to what happens when you shine light on some of the unheard-of-things in society. The sounds you will hear are the awakening of an independent artist. -BlackFootJoe-


The frequency projecting out of your speaker is BlackFootJoe’s positive perspective of consciousness. A native of Planet earth. His sounds are reminiscent of Individuality, A radiate aura of positivity & activism. ​His Blackfoot Native American heritage influence his lyrics to bring awareness. To what happens when you shine light on some of society's secrets. BlackFootJoe's unique lyrical cadence guides you on a journey to enlightenment carried by psychedelic sounds.

Origin: Planet Earth Genres: Hip Hip Years Active: Many Eons Website:

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